Heat Control - edging trainer
This v1 version is final, I am not taking suggestions, only critical bug fixes.
See you in v2!
This is a furry themed edging trainer. I thought some people might have a use for it!
Browser version will normally work on mobile devices.
Download the executable to unlock the local pictures feature, allowing you to use your own images.
Install instructions
Unzip, and run the Heat Control executable.
Development log
- Patreon + v2.ALPHASep 07, 2024
- v1.4.7 minor updateAug 13, 2024
- v1.4.6 update (minor bugfix) + v2 infoMar 16, 2024
- v2 in the worksDec 31, 2023
- v1.4.5 updateNov 24, 2023
- v1.4.4 updateNov 13, 2023
- v1.4.3 updateNov 06, 2023
- v1.4.2 hotfixOct 12, 2023
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please make a rule34 version
whats the difference between the win and web zip downloads?
I like this
Might be a stupid one, but can you maybe make a girl version too? ^^"
You know, the funny part was that I thought it would have been at least somewhat of a traditional game like what you would find around this website.
I have been trolled again, but this is actually a very neat tool to exist.
Side note, does this bypass the sign-in requirement for blacklisted images?
With the search API, you don't need to sign in to get results that are normally blacklisted by the default blacklist on the main site.
I put the default blacklisted terms as default in Heat Control.
And I agree, I can't really call this a game, it's like a sort of hybrid between app and game. This seemed like a good place to publish it!
...Certainly seems so.
I do not suppose I recall a scenario such as this, but I am glad to have found it nevertheless.
Is there a discord server?
An invite is in-game, first screen when opening it!
When blocking an image by X hotkey, a popup dialog appears that requires using the mouse.
Please take care of a11y by adjusting the focus of dialog elements and buttons so that the selection switches adequately between adjacent elements by
and cursor keys, and so that popup windows immediately set the focus to the right button.Noted for hotkey and popup. Will skip confirm if using hotkey, so it doesn't need using the mouse.
Not sure I get the relevance of that a11y thing. Contact on Discord if worth explaining.
Sufficiently contrasting colors, captions of buttons and other interface elements for the visually impaired, the ability to control the interface only with the keyboard. Standard things. Especially when one of the hands is busy with a task, hehe.
I’m already a member of 100 servers out of 100. Also, I am strongly against discussions that should be indexed and available publicly in a closed platform with access restrictions like server participation limits and complete isolation from search engines.
Oh, and I’d like to localize strings into Russian, but so far it’s only possible through modding (and in it you can only create and delete strings, but not edit) or hacking resources. This is not very reliable due to updates that overwrite the original files.
I'm aware of inconveniences.
Your comments are frankly misplaced for the level of skill that went into this app, I'm lucky it even functions without serious issues.
And maybe you'd think of making the UI less crap before doing standards and polishing.
The Itchio comment section is not a good place for technical discussions. I work better through Discord and teamwork through IMs and calls, that's all. People are free to play along and help or not.
Anyways, translation and stuff would be great, but I won't improve v1, waste of time. I'm working on v2 and we'll take it from there. People are free to do whatever they want in the meantime.
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but can we get a detailed guide for adding our own images? I just want to do it right the first time as knowing my luck I'll put them in the wrong folder.
This shouldn't need a guide.
Select the "local" option, click "select folder..." and it lets you pick a folder on your computer and get the images in it.
So what if I'm using it in the web? I can't upload local files by default
Couldn't make it work. Only found a way in Electron, so the Win/Linux version.
Are there any available modded version of Heat Control? I've been looking both here and Discord and I'm having little to no luck with it.
That was a misunderstanding, issue sorted on Discord.
There's a "mod manager" unofficial version, but that itself is a modded version done by someone else, available on Discord.
time to goon
So reel
Dude i bought this new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4
Cool dude , what games are you playing on it?
Heat control
*left the room*
[never came back]
In V2 there should be a feature to add pictures to a "cum queue" while playing as an addition to the current system. also moans/sound effects wouldn't hurt :3
Same reply as below, suggestions can be dropped on the Discord and need some level of detailing to be useful later. What does it do, how does it work and why, etc.
I'm not sure what a "cum queue" is in your mind.
can you, will you, add an "i came" button (no reason "UMU")
Suggestions can be dropped on the Discord and need some level of detailing to be useful later. What does it do, how does it work and why, etc.
Is It possible for you to add an option to do more than one search at a time
Not adding features to v1.
I guess there's no workaround that wouldn't be tedious. I'll definitely do something about it in v2.
If you'd like this done quickly, feel free to mod the game or ask if someone can do it on the Discord.
okay, thanks
how do i see my bookmarked ones?
They get displayed after the end of the session or quitting.
Point is to just quick bookmark while in game, and sort them into lists afterwards.
so if i exit the sessionm, i cannot excess the bookmarks later? thats kinda sad
would be cool to have a button "add to favorite" or ust "favorite" and it would save your favorites. it be easy to implement too, just use the code for blacklist one but make it good list yk?
i think that would be rlly cool cuz i bookmarked a lot of ones thinking that i was favoriting them yk?
please do respond as to if you are or arnt going to make this, ty
As I told you a few months ago, I'm not adding features to v1.
You go back to the main menu after the end of the session or mid session, and the pic browser appears with the bookmarked pics. It tells you, in a popup, "You have bookmarked pictures. You can now browse through them and add them to lists. Your bookmarks will then be discarded once you exit this browser."
So do just that and add them all to a list you call "favourites"
I know I could have done it better and that's exactly why I'm making a new one.
Can I have easy instructions on how to load a local file for the cum picture please? I only ask as I'm not sure how to do it.
Something looking like that would work.
You need to run the local version of the webapp, by downloading the zip and opening index.html. (or the Win/Linux version)
Browser security doesn't let you from Itch.io, looks like.
Well I found out how to do it I just have to right click and press copy as path on the picture I want to use or click then press control shift c for the same thing then delete the "" on each end and it works sorry if what I typed is confusing just trying to explain it best I can. Wonder what new additions will be put in as you update though?
Idk if this is already added and im just stupid, but you should add a mode for female users that don't have dicks so like, instead of cum its squirt????? Or something? Or you could keep it as cum idk. Also it would be great if you could make importing files easier my kindle fire is the only not family use device in the house and its kinda hard to import files with this stupid thing.|edit: unless I should just use the toy support feature
Afaik, using "to come/to cum" is widely understood as reaching orgasm, no matter the gender or anything else about the person.
The rest of the comment is confusing. Files don't get "imported", either you load images from the computer if using the Win/Linux exe, or you load from e6.
And you can't load images from a phone, couldn't make it work. Gotta stick to e6.
Importing is for lists. They're essentially just links to e6 images.
Ah mk that makes more sense lol, just as a woman (semi-TMI) its kinda harder to stick to the prompts at the top of the screen when you dont have a dick to stroke or fap or wtv also ehhhm now I realize why what I said was confusing I was tired and horny, but like what u said helped so idk
Im just now realizing that I sounded like a huge dick, so like if I was being an asshat that I would like to humbly apoligize
Yeah, back when I made the first versions and thought it'd be a thing 100 people tops would play with, I thought the audience would be overwhelmingly male and the dialog was explicitely for dudes.
Later made it neutral as I could, without completely bleaching it out. It's complicated to make the dialog fit all cases. I could sorta adapt the different prompts to what I do, and I thought other people in the same boat would do the same.
Will be a different system and hopefully more fun in v2
Silly easter egg! If you have a lucario image(like this one- https://e621.net/posts/2588070?q=parent%3A2588069 as your cum image, you get a lil message about how much you must like lucarios :>
Also, suggestion for creator! After a endurance session, it would be pretty cool if there was a timer to show how long we lasted instead of going off the last time it told us how many minuets in we are :))
Not forcing tho! Just a suggestion! Its very fun tho, thanks for making this game!
How do I import images onto the list? I can't seem to figure it out, even though im getting images from that e621 website. Am I doing something wrong? I'm also on android, and I'm new to this app so if I may be a bit slow in doing instructions then that's why.
Oh, the creator stated they couldnt get importing on mobile devices| edit: nvm, try copying the url or the link and then pasting it if that's not what your doing
the rotation for my toy doesn't seem to be working, only the vibrating option seems to do anything
Initiface version 2.5.6
Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1
This error code repeats in the Initiface Central App many times:
Got invalid messages from remote Buttplug connection - Message: Text("I"RotateCmd|":(|"Id|":97,\"Devicelndex|":1,|"Rotations|":[{"Index|":0,|"Speed|":0.40327319493389646}]}}]") - Error: JsonSerializerError ("Error during JSON Schema Validation - Message: [{"RotateCmd|":{|"DeviceIndex|":1,|"Id|" :97, "Rotations|":[|"Index|":0,|"Speed|":0.40327319493389646}]}}] - Error: [ValidationError { instance: Array [Object {|"RotateCmd|": Object {I"Devicelndex|": Number(1), \"Idl":
Number(97), \"Rotations|": Array [Object {l"Index|": Number(O), |"Speed\": Number(0.40327319493389646)}]}}], kind: AnyOf, instance_path: JSONPointer ([]), schema_path: JSONPointer ([Keyword (\"anyOf\")]) }]")
Would only be able to do anything if you're willing to help troubleshoot. Join the Discord if so
How can i blacklist two specific tags together while keeping others? I want to blacklist images that have the tags solo AND male in it but still okay to see either male or solo tag in images?
put - before tags in the search
don't think that's what he's asking. he's basically asking for syntax like `-(solo AND male)` instead of just `-solo -male`. which is not possible afaik
not supported in e621 afaik. i don't know about any plans from the dev to implement that client side. but if that's the only instance where you need the AND, i think there's a "male_focus" tag that might fit? your best bet is just to look for these existing "compound" tags and use those.
Maybe try adding the female or intersex tags? Maybe both with ~ before them if you're into both. That way the only pics with males in them, will be guaranteed to have a non male in the pic. You may miss out on some badly tagged pics, but you won't see any solo males at least.
Just wanted to stop by and say how much I love this project, and that I'm looking forward to the v2 you've mentioned.
Idk how to add your local gif its not very clear on how todo that
Same as any type of local image, under the "local" option, "select folder..." that contains the gifs.
What's causing problems?
How does the e621 search picture work? I haven't been able to figure it out.
you enter it the same way you would do on a E621 search! A example being, since my prefrence is furries and gay as a gif, amd to add something as a example or a result for two words ill use Deep Throat id have it as " anthro male/male deep_throat type:gif "
Than the 'Number of pictures'part, you just put how many pictures youd like there to be to go through :) if you want all the pictures for that result, just put the max amount for pictures.
Just make sure to black list what you want in the black list part so you domt get anything you dont like
Ah okay, thanks sunny!
No problem! Happy to help
holy shit, you actually implemented the thing i mentioned about showing image even in stop phase. and so many new options. toy support. goddamnit, man. you're killing it with these changes. great fucking job. i didn't keep up with this "game" for a long time because usually most degen stuff gets abandoned lol. ggwp.
I'm a lady with standards, not quite happy leaving stuff half assed.
Degens like you and other cool people showing huge interest made it worth keeping working on it, so there we are. Still going.
you should add a way to have webm and not just pic and gifs
Read reply to comment below.
hey, i love this! i mostly use it in slideshow and gotta say, its amazing!
you probably get this a lot but, is there a possibility of making this for other sites? (for exemple: rule34. where its the same thig but with r34)
it would truly be amazing. please
No more features, only bug fixes.
I'm working on a new version, takes time. And unfortunately your girl's been working on recovering from her issues first.
I've got to catch up on art work first, will resume working on this soon after. Hopefully in a couple weeks.
take as long as it takes, your well being comes before fun side project. i hope you have a good day!
Love the game! When clicking 'view post in e621,' could you add on the search query to the url? Because especially when you see a comic or something, you often want to go to the next image chronologically in what you are searching. For example, instead of sending me to:
Send me to
I don't see how this is helpful: I imagine you are stumbling upon the comic page in question while searching for regular tags. Hitting next on e6 for that search query will more than likely not show the next page of the comic.
Your description sounds more like pools, which are automatically shown if the image belongs to one. Most comics are in a pool for that reason: browsing pages in order.
If you need to elaborate, please talk about it on the Discord.
love the game tho
You should a more Lucario pictures and Lucario talking hope you got what I mean.
Someone came close, but couldn't make it work outside of their APK build from their machine. Won't be a thing unless someone can make it work and I'm able to build it.
I don't know what you mean by "more than one screens". Either way I'm working on v2 and not taking suggestions. They are likely to become irrelevant for the most part.
Gold, But one problem, when i try to search images with "E621 search" it says "Network error, check your internet connection" but i have internet.
Also i have an idea, add some tasks like "massage balls" and such.
"E621 search" works for me. Contact me on Discord for proper troubleshooting.
And check out modding stuff on Discord to get what you want.
Turns out the problem was e621 being blocked in the user's location.
To anyone reading, if you are unable to access e621 in your browser, then it won't work in Heat Control either.
So, I think I found a bug.
The game isn't reading my list, it's say that don't have any images on that, but I added 19 in the same.
I'm playing on pc with browser version.
It's a bit unclear what you're trying to do. Adding an image to a list through the "Display results" screen, and then pressing "Edit Selected List", correctly displays the image I added to that list.
Contact me on Discord to troubleshoot faster, else please describe the steps you take to try to do what you want, and what you expect to happen.
This is the BEST app out there. I hate searching for good quality joi videos. This is EXACTLY the thing I've been loking for for years. Only downside is... i'm not a furry, and the "humanoid" section is very limited and still has some furry elements in it.
Please all mighty developer of this AMAZING app. Pretty please. Create the exact same app for like rule 34 or any other similar website. I have nothing against furries, it's just not my thing that gets me excited. And this app is PERFECT! Please all mighty developer, I would be so happy for that!
No need to change anything. This is PERFECT! It's the best thing on the entire planet. Just... pretty please... make one for other websites T---T
Damn, this comment is pressing my buttons. Usually, seeing someone beg me like this makes me just itch to punish them more.
"Jokes" aside, would have done it if it were easy. Current code is very hard to maintain and to add stuff to in a viable way.
I'm working on a more ambitious follow up that will be built with flexibility in mind. Everything will be much easier from there. But it'll take months.
Support for more websites is one of the many suggestions that have already been logged in the Discord server.
Even if someone was to contribute and code the thing, making sure it doesn't break anything else that's in there is too painful, and increasingly painful as more is added. So, everything is on hold till I'm done with the new thing.
I'm extremely sorry. I didn't mean to offend you at all. What I was trying to convey is that this is the BEST app I have ever had the priviledge to play. I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. I wanted to give you compliments, not to make you angry. I'm really sorry if I came out as a rude spoiled idiot.
I'm a very simple person. I don't understand anything about development of anything digital. I'm just a user who never really learned anything about how things are being made. I apologize for my ignorance.
I didn't mean that you would add something to this. That's what I'm saying: This is PERFECT, it doesn't need anything else. It is literally the best app in the whole world. Perfect like this. That's why I meant that you would do a different version. Like "Heat Control Green" for rule 34, "Heat Control Red" for different website, "Heat Control Yellow" for different website etc. And this could become for example "Heat Control Purple" for E621.
I honestly thought you can just copy this app, remove E621 and add a different website. I thought is easy as this. And then you would release it on here as a seperate app. The exact copy of this, just with a different website. I didn't want to add anything into this app as I believe this one is PERFECT, I just wanted exact copies of this app with just different website for each version. I haven't realized how hard this is, and honestly, I still don't understand how hard it is. In my ignorant and uneducated eyes it looks very simple. Removing E621, adding different website, releasing it on itch.
Once again, I'm really sorry. My comment wasn't meant to be rude or mean. I didn't want to make you angry. I wanted to compliment you on this AMAZING app and ask you for the exact same app but with just with a different website. I'm sorry for my ignorance or if I was rude in any way. Please don't take my comment seriously, I didn't mean any of that.
I'll look forward to the different version you're developing, I honestly didn't know it would have to be developed from the ground up. I wish you a lot of luck and very good inspiration with creating the code for it! You are an artist, and this app needs to be protected at all costs.
Just messing around, nothing to be worried about,
I won't lie though, the amount of apologies and praise I'm getting in this message is hilarious. Not like I hate getting my arse kissed anyways!
Enough teasing, you're right, without experience all one can do is take a blind guess. Can't be blamed for that.
As much as I fucking wish it was, it's not a "change some URL and it works" deal. Except for e6ai, happens to have the exact same APIs.
Anyways. I'll do my thing and it'll get good. As "perfect" as this app is I still wanna do a lot better.
Damn, my ass was still on v1.2.7, never thought of going to see for updates until t'day and gosh as it changed, took me some time to get used to it but now that I'm getting the hang of it, it's just awesome, great job
bug report: Delete List
using v1.4.4 win
when trying to delete a list i get this error (tested with list size of 0, 1 and 6)
ListManager.js:108 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'children')
at Object.updateDefaultLists (ListManager.js:108:73)
at HTMLInputElement.deleteList (ListManager.js:81:16)
the list won't delete unless i add something to a different list (the other list dose save the new img) and restarting the app. when adding to the other list i get more errors like the one above.
Thanks, very helpful info.It'll get logged on the Discord server and looked into.
When the edging trainer is more fun then edging by itself
I have never felt so good, had that big of a blast, or loved such a thing. You have a new follower.
When trying to download the android version it gives me a parse error. Any advice?
For anyone else reading this, minimum required Android version is 7.0
If you use an older phone, you'll get this error message.